About Me

    As a full stack Java developer, I have a broad understanding of back-end and front-end development. My proficiency in Java enables me to build robust and scalable applications using various frameworks to build seamless user interfaces and efficient server-side components. With my adaptability, passion for clean code and relentless pursuit of excellence, I contribute to deliver high quality solutions in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • Languages

        1️⃣ Core Java
        2️⃣ Advance Java

  • Database
        1️⃣ Oracle
  • FrameWorks
        1️⃣ Spring Boot
  • Web Design Technologies
        1️⃣ HTML5
        2️⃣ CSS3
        3️⃣ Java Script
  • 10th
        ➡️ "I passed the 10th in the year 2012
                    with an aggregated mark of 65%."
  • 12th
        ➡️ "I passed the 12th in the year 2014
                     with an aggregated mark of 55%."
  • Graduation
        ➡️ "I graduated with Mathematics Honors in the year 2017
                     with an aggregate mark of 51%."
  • MCA
        ➡️ "I completed my MCA (Master of Computer Applications) in the year 2022
                     with an aggregated CGPA of 8.61."

My Services

Backend Developer

Java backend developers build server-side components of applications using Java, ensuring scalability and robustness.

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App Design

App design involves creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for a seamless user experience.

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UI Design

UI design focuses on crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for digital products and applications.

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My Work(Internship)

Employee management system

The Java-based Employee Management System is a software
for organizing employee data, attendance, payroll
and performance evaluation efficiently.

Banking system

The Java banking system code facilitates account management,
transactions, and security features for a secure
and reliable banking experience.

Task Management System

The Java task management system code efficiently organizes
tasks, assigns priorities, tracks progress, and
enhances team collaboration and productivity.

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Contact Me


+91 9776777600

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